Here are 7 random facts about me:
1. I am the alpha cat
2. I want to be fed first
3. After I am fed, I always scratch whatever is left over like litter in a litter box. It's time to clean it up. I am very fantanical about cleaniness.
4. I have my own baby blanket in my special chair. It is nice and cozy.
5. Every morning I have to sit in Momma's lap and lick her before she gets ready to get into the big metal monster and leave me for the day.
6. I always wait for Momma by the door, so I am the first one to greet her when she comes in.
7. Momma belongs to me. So everyone else better stay away.
Here are the rules. Each player starts with seven random facts about themselves. Cats who are tagged need to write on their own blog about the seven things and the rules. You need to choose seven cats to tag and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment that they have been tagged and to read your blog!7 Random Facts About Me…

Here are my seven random facts.
1. I was abandoned with Jinx and Boo in the summer of 2004. Thankfully Jinx picked the right house for us to come to.
2. I am on springs. I can jump 4 feet in the air standing still.
3. I am the muscle cat. Momma says I would be the star athlete if I played sports. Hey Momma I can play any sport! (Psst what's a sport?)
4. Gracie is my bestest friend in the whole wide world. I love Gracie
5. I eat little meals all day long. I have to maintain my 0% of body fat.
6. I am a patrol cat. I romp through the house with my tail straight up all the time on patrol.
7. I talk all the time. I have a very sweet high pitched 'meow'.
Oh I hafta add one other thing....I am Daddy's cat. Everynight I sit with him in his chair and we watch TV together! I love my Daddy.
Here are my seven random facts.
1. I was abandoned by someone at the front door of the Animal Care and Control Center.
2. Momma and Daddy had come to the ACC to try to find their other lost kitty and ended up taking me home.
3. I am very soft. Momma says my fur feels like velvet.
4. I have a teeny tiny 'meow', unless I am threatened (by the alpha cat...did you hear me Abby?) and I can roar like a lion.
5. I am very skittish of everything.
6. I love to headbutt everyone.
7. I love everyone!
So we would like to tag 7 of our favorite friends!
1. Annie
2. Emma
3. Beau Beau
4. Gemini
5. Patches
6. Gree
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