Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tuxie Toosday With Abby

Everything I know
I learned from my cat;
When you're hungry:eat.
When you're tired:nap in a sunbeam.
When you go to the Vet:
pee on your owner.
~Gary Smith

Our friends Tesla, Hansel and Ben are in a contest to help raise funds for the shelter that Hansel was adopted from.If you can please visit here for Hansel. It costs only $1 to vote. This is a wonderful cause please drop in if you can and let's all vote for Hansel!


  1. I gave Hansel my votes already, I sure hope he wins!

  2. Awww gorgeous Abby - enjoy your sunbeam nap!!

    Me and Charlie love the quote - we're still giggling!!

    And we hope Hansel wins!

    take care

  3. Abby, you're full of wisdom! We're going to try the pee thing next vet trip.

    You look simply gorgeous napping in your sunbeams

  4. Abby now those are some lines to live by....especially the last one. MOL Madi

  5. We will go and help Hansel.

    Abby, you look just lovely, as usual!

  6. Beautiful picture Abby and purrfect wisdom!

  7. Ha, great quote! Though our mom would prefer it if we *didn't* pee on her (we haven't...yet).

  8. Fully agree with Gary Smith except the last sentence. We don't pee on our owner. We embarass our owner to apologise profusely by peeing on the vet especially the boss!

  9. What a sleek and shiny coat you have Abby!

  10. And Ping--would you like to share my sunpuddle with me?

  11. Sometimes one of us has been known to do it in our basket while we are in the car on the way to the torturers!! We're not saying who's guilty are we Lucy?

  12. Good advice...we'll quit singing in the carrier and try something new. heh heh.

  13. MOL! Great poem! You are looking as shiny and sleek as ever!

  14. MOL! Great poem! You are looking as shiny and sleek as ever!

  15. ****whiskerkissies**** to mine gorgeous sweet princess angel Abby

    purrsss n nosekissies - your adoring floofy cocoapuff meezerman Sammy

  16. We love the last two lines of that poem! So far, we've only done the cat carrier, but that's a great idea!

  17. Abby, you are so sleek, satiny (I already said that I know but you are) and so gorgeous I feel almost jellis. However I am rather gorgeous myself, so I'm not jellis.

  18. MOL=great quote!!...Have a fun day, gorgeous Abby...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  19. Hi. I wanted to come visit and say thank you for the nice comments about how hard it is to let go of fosters, or in your case the kitties you get to know at the shelter. It's wonderful to know they are going to homes (or in my case - hopefully going to a home someday), but it's always hard to say goodbye.
    Thanks for stopping by. Glad I found you.

  20. Awwwww!!!! What a cute picture of you Abby!!!
    (((((((HUGGGGGSSSS))))) from your TX furiends,


We always love hearing from you please leave some pawprints!
Happy purrs